Calendars for 2016

Icelandic Calendars 2016

How is it April already? And it just feels like 2015 has just started?

Well if you are asking yourself that question as well, we can agree on that it is time to starting all the planing of 2016 along with the rest of 2015.. right? Or is it too soon? 🙂

We are at least ready as we have now added new calendars for 2016 to our website. They all feature beautiful pictures from Iceland – stunning photographs of the northern lights, the amazing puffins and even the world-famous Icelandic horse along with other pictures of Icelandic nature.

The calendars for 2015 are on sale and you can even buy a combo of calendars for both 2015 and 2016. Make sure you check it out here: Icelandic Calendars 2016

Great tip: You can use those as a regular calendar OR you can even cut out the stunning photographs and frame them and feature them as art work at home or at work.

Which one is your favorite?